Installing Spinnaker in GKE


This guide describes how to install Spinnaker in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). It will create / use the following Google Cloud resources:

  • A GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster (you can use an existing one if you already have one)
  • A GCS (Google Cloud Storage) bucket (you can use an existing one if you already have one)
  • An NGINX Ingress controller in your GKE cluster. This step is only needed if your cluster doesn’t already have an ingress installed. Note that the examples on this page for NGINX only work on Kubernetes version 1.14 or later.

This document currently does not fully cover the following (see Next Steps for some links to achieve these)

  • TLS Encryption
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Add K8s accounts to deploy to
  • Add cloud accounts to deploy to

Note: This document is focused on Armory Spinnaker but can be adapted to install Open Source Spinnaker by using a different Halyard container and a corresponding different Spinnaker version


This document is written with the following workflow in mind:

  • You have a machine (referred to as the workstation machine in this document) configured to use the gcloud CLI tool and a recent version of kubectl tool
  • You have a machine (referred to as the Halyard machine in this document) with the Docker daemon installed, and can run Docker containers on it
  • You can transfer files created on the workstation machine to the Halyard machine (to a directory mounted on a running Docker container)
  • These two machines can be the same machine


On the Halyard machine:

  • Halyard (the tool used to install and manage Spinnaker) is run in a Docker container on the Halyard machine
  • The Halyard container on the Halyard machine will be configured with the following volume mounts, which should be persisted or preserved to manage your Spinnaker cluster
    • .hal directory (mounted to /home/spinnaker/.hal) - stores all Halyard Spinnaker configurations in a .hal/config YAML file and assorted subdirectories
    • .secret directory (mounted to /home/spinnaker/.secret) stores all external secret keys and files used by Halyard
    • resources directory (mounted to /home/spinnaker/resources) stores all Kubernetes manifests and other resources that help create Kubernetes resources
  • You will create kubeconfig files that will be added to the .secret directory
  • You will create a Google IAM service account key that will be added to the .secret directory

On the workstation machine:

  • You can use gcloud to create Google resources:
    • GKE clusters (or, alternately, have a GKE cluster already built)
    • GCS buckets (or, alternately, have a GCS bucket already built)
  • You have the kubectl (Kubernetes CLI tool) installed and are able to use it to interact with your GKE cluster, if you’re using a prebuilt GKE cluster
  • You have a persistent working directory in which to work in. One option here is ~/gke-spinnaker
  • You will create GKE resources, such as service accounts, that will be permanently associated with your Spinnaker cluster

Installation Summary

In order to install Spinnaker, this document covers the following things:

  • Generating a kubeconfig file, which is a Kubernetes credential file that Halyard and Spinnaker will use to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster where Spinnaker will be installed
  • Creating an GCS bucket for Spinnaker to store persistent configuration in
  • Creating an IAM service account that Spinnaker will use to access the GCS bucket
  • Running the Halyard daemon in a Docker container
    • Persistent configuration directories from the workstation/host will be mounted into the container
  • Running the hal client interactively in the same Docker container to:
    • Build out the halconfig YAML file (`.hal/config)
    • Configure Spinnaker/Halyard to use the kubeconfig to install Spinnaker
    • Configure Spinnaker with the IAM credentials and bucket information
    • Turn on other recommended settings (artifacts and http artifact provider)
    • Install Spinnaker
    • Expose Spinnaker

Create the GKE cluster

This assumes you have already configured the gcloud SDK with a project, zone, and region (see directions here

This creates a minimal GKE cluster in your default region and zone. Follow the official GKE instructions to set up a different type of GKE cluster.

  1. Create the local working directory on your workstation. For the purposes of this document, we will be using ~/gke-spinnaker, but this can be any persistent directory on any Linux or OSX machine.

    mkdir ~/gke-spinnaker
    cd ~/gke-spinnaker
  2. Run this command to create the GKE cluster (from the workstation machine):

    gcloud container clusters create spinnaker-cluster
  3. Run this command to configure kubectl to use the cluster you’ve created:

    export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig-gke
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials spinnaker-cluster
  4. Alternately, if you’re using a pre-existing GKE cluster:

    export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig-gke
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your-cluster-name>

    (Feel free to use a different region and zones)

  5. From here, you can validate access to the cluster with this command:

    kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig-gke get namespaces

Create a kubeconfig file for Halyard/Spinnaker

Spinnaker will be installed in its own namespace in your GKE cluster. For the purposes of this document, we will be installing Spinnaker in the spinnaker-system namespace; you’re welcome to use a different namespace for this.

We’re going to create the following:

  • A namespace called spinnaker-system to install Spinnaker in
  • A service account for that namespace
  • A role and rolebinding in that namespace, granting permissions to the service account
  • A kubeconfig containing credentials for the service account

Halyard uses this Kubeconfig file to create the Kubernetes deployment objects that create the microservices that compose Spinnaker. This same Kubeconfig is passed to Spinnaker so that Spinnaker can see and manage its own resources.

This document uses the Armory spinnaker-tools Go CLI (available on Github) to create many of these resources. There are separate instructions to perform these steps manually.

By default, Google IAM users do not have all necessary permissions on GKE clusters. You can grant them with this:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
  1. Obtain the spinnaker-tools CLI tool. Go to, and download the latest release for your operating system (OSX and Linux available). You can also use curl:

    # If you're not already in the directory
    cd ~/gke-spinnaker
    # If you're on Linux instead of OSX, use this URL instead:
    curl -L -o spinnaker-tools
    chmod +x spinnaker-tools
  2. Run the tool. Feel free to substitute other values for the parameters:

    # The 'gcloud container clusters get-credentials' command from above will create/update this file
    CONTEXT=$(kubectl --kubeconfig ${SOURCE_KUBECONFIG} config current-context)
    ./spinnaker-tools create-service-account \
      --kubeconfig ${SOURCE_KUBECONFIG} \
      --context ${CONTEXT} \
      --output ${DEST_KUBECONFIG} \
      --namespace ${SPINNAKER_NAMESPACE} \
      --service-account-name ${SPINNAKER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

You should be left with a file called kubeconfig-spinnaker-system-sa (or something similar, if you’re using a different namespace for spinnaker)

Create a GCS service account for Spinnaker

Spinnaker uses a GCS bucket to store persistent configuration (such as pipeline definitions). This section will create a Google IAM service account as well as a Google credential file for use by Halyard and Spinnaker.

By default, this account will have the roles/storage.admin IAM role; if you have an existing GCS bucket to use, you can specify a different set of permissions.

export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=spinnaker-gcs-account-trial
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE=spinnaker-gcs-account.json
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')

gcloud --project ${PROJECT} iam service-accounts create \
    --display-name ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud --project ${PROJECT} iam service-accounts list \
    --filter="displayName:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" \

gcloud --project ${PROJECT} projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \
    --role roles/storage.admin --member serviceAccount:${SA_EMAIL}

mkdir -p $(dirname ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE})

gcloud --project ${PROJECT} iam service-accounts keys create ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE} \
    --iam-account ${SA_EMAIL}

Stage files on the Halyard machine

On the Halyard machine, choose a local working directory for Halyard. In it, we will create two folders:

# Feel free to use some other directory for this; make sure it is a persistent directory.
# Also, make sure this directory doesn't live on an NFS mount, as that can cause issues
mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.hal
mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.secret
mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/resources

You should have two files:

  • A kubeconfig file (kubeconfig-spinnaker-system-sa) with the credentials for a service account in your GKE cluster
  • A JSON key file (spinnaker-gcs-account.json) with credentials for a Google IAM service account with Google storage permissions

Copy both into .secret so it is available to your Halyard docker container:

cp kubeconfig-spinnaker-system-sa ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.secret
cp spinnaker-gcs-account.json ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.secret

Start the Halyard container

On the docker machine, start the Halyard container (see the armory/halyard-armory tag list) for the latest Armory Halyard Docker image tag.

If you want to install OSS Spinnaker instead, use for the Docker image

docker run --name armory-halyard -it --rm \
  -v ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.hal:/home/spinnaker/.hal \
  -v ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/.secret:/home/spinnaker/.secret \
  -v ${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/resources:/home/spinnaker/resources \

Enter the Halyard container

From a separate terminal session on your docker machine, create a second bash/shell session on the Docker container:

docker exec -it armory-halyard bash

# Also, once in the container, you can run these commands for a friendlier environment to:
# - prompt with information
# - alias for ls
# - cd to the home directory
export PS1="\h:\w \u\$ "
alias ll='ls -alh'
cd ~

Add the kubeconfig and cloud provider to Spinnaker (via Halyard)

From the docker exec separate terminal session, add (re-export) the relevant environment variables

###### Use the same values as the start of the document
# Enter the namespace that you want to install Spinnaker in.  This should have been created in the previous step.
export NAMESPACE="spinnaker-system"

# Enter the name you want Spinnaker to use to identify the cloud provider account
export ACCOUNT_NAME="spinnaker"

# Update this with the full path to your kubeconfig inside the container)
export KUBECONFIG_FULL=/home/spinnaker/.secret/kubeconfig-spinnaker-system-sa

Use the Halyard hal command line tool to add a Kubernetes account using your minified kubeconfig

Configure the kubeconfig and account:

# Enable the Kubernetes cloud provider
hal config provider kubernetes enable

# Add account
hal config provider kubernetes account add ${ACCOUNT_NAME} \
  --provider-version v2 \
  --kubeconfig-file ${KUBECONFIG_FULL} \
  --only-spinnaker-managed true \
  --namespaces ${NAMESPACE}

Configure Spinnaker to install in Kubernetes

Important: This will by default limit your Spinnaker to deploying to the namespace specified. If you want to be able to deploy to other namespaces, either add a second cloud provider target or remove the --namespaces flag.

Use the Halyard hal command line tool to configure Halyard to install Spinnaker in your Kubernetes cluster

hal config deploy edit \
  --type distributed \
  --account-name ${ACCOUNT_NAME} \
  --location ${NAMESPACE}

Enable Artifacts

Within Spinnaker, ‘artifacts’ are consumable references to items that live outside of Spinnaker (for example, a file in a git repository or a file in an S3 bucket are two examples of artifacts). This feature must be explicitly turned on.

Enable the “Artifacts” feature and the “http” artifact artifact provider:

# Enable artifacts
hal config features edit --artifacts true
hal config artifact http enable

(In order to add specific types of artifacts, there are further configuration items that must be completed. For now, it is sufficient to just turn on the artifacts feature with the http artifact provider. This will allow Spinnaker to retrieve files via unauthenticated http.)

Configure Spinnaker to use your GCS bucket

Use the Halyard hal command line tool to configure Halyard to configure Spinnaker to use your GCS bucket

You MUST update the PROJECT field with your GCP project name

If you’re using a pre-existing bucket, you can update ROOT_FOLDER with a different path within your folder.

####### Inside container

hal config storage gcs edit --project ${PROJECT} \
    --bucket-location ${BUCKET_LOCATION} \
    --root-folder ${ROOT_FOLDER} \
    --json-path ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE}

hal config storage edit --type gcs

Choose the Spinnaker version

Before Halyard will install Spinnaker, you should specify the version of Spinnaker you want to use.

You can get a list of available versions of spinnaker with this command:

hal version list

If you are installing Armory Spinnaker, you will get a version that starts with 2.x.x

If you are installing OSS Spinnaker and using, you will get a version that starts with 1.x.x

And then you can select the version with this:

# Replace with version of choice:
export VERSION=2.3.4
hal config version edit --version $VERSION

Install Spinnaker

Now that your halconfig is completely configured for the initial Spinnaker, you can tell Halyard to actually install Spinnaker:

hal deploy apply

Once this is complete, congratulations! Spinnaker is installed. Now we have to access and expose it.

Connect to Spinnaker using kubectl port-forward

If you have kubectl on a local machine with access to your Kubernetes cluster, you can test connecting to it with the following:

DECK_POD=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pod -l cluster=spin-deck -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
GATE_POD=$(kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pod -l cluster=spin-gate -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} port-forward ${DECK_POD} 9000 &
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} port-forward ${GATE_POD} 8084 &

Then, you can access Spinnaker at http://localhost:9000

(If you are doing this on a remote machine, this will not work because your browser attempts to access localhost on your local workstation rather than on the remote machine where the port is forwarded)

Note: Even if the hal deploy apply command returns successfully, the installation may not be complete yet. This is especially the case with distributed Kubernetes installs. If you see errors such as Connection refused, the containers may not be available yet. You can either wait or check the status of all of the containers using the command for your cloud provider (such as kubectl get pods --namespace spinnaker).

Install the NGINX ingress controller

In order to expose Spinnaker to end users, you have perform the following actions:

  • Expose the spin-deck (UI) Kubernetes service on some URL endpoint
  • Expose the spin-gate (API) Kubernetes service on some URL endpoint
  • Update Spinnaker (via Halyard) to be aware of the new endpoints

We’re going to install the NGINX ingress controller on GKE because of these two limitations of the built-in GKE Ingress controller:

  • It only exposes NodePort services
  • It only exposes services that respond with an HTTP 200 to a GET on / (or have a readinessProbe configured)

If you already have an NGINX ingress controller installed on your cluster, skip this step.

(Both of these are configurable with Spinnaker, but the NGINX ingress controller is also generally much more configurable)

From the workstation machine (where kubectl is installed):

Install the NGINX ingress controller components:

kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig-gke apply -f

If you are using a Kubernetes version earlier than 1.14, you need to change to at line 217 of mandatory.yaml. See the NGINX Ingress Controller documentation for more details.

Install the NGINX ingress controller GKE-specific service:

kubectl apply -f

Set up the Ingress for spin-deck and spin-gate

Identify the URLs you will use to expose Spinnaker’s UI and API.

# Replace with actual values

Create a Kubernetes Ingress manifest to expose spin-deck and spin-gate (change your hosts and namespace accordingly):

tee spin-ingress.yaml <<-'EOF'
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: spin-ingress
  namespace: NAMESPACE
    app: spin
    cluster: spin-ingress
  annotations: "nginx"
      - backend:
          serviceName: spin-deck
          servicePort: 9000
        path: /
      - backend:
          serviceName: spin-gate
          servicePort: 8084
        path: /

sed -i.bak \

Create the Ingress

kubectl apply -f spin-ingress.yaml

Configure Spinnaker to be aware of its endpoints

Spinnaker must be aware of its endpoints to work properly.

This should be done from the halyard container:

hal config security ui edit --override-base-url ${SPIN_DECK_URL}
hal config security api edit --override-base-url ${SPIN_GATE_URL}

hal deploy apply

Set up DNS

Once the ingress is up (this may take some time), you can get the IP address for the ingress:

$ kubectl describe -n spinnaker-system ingress spin-ingress
Name:             spin-ingress
Namespace:        spinnaker
Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (
  Host                    Path  Backends
  ----                    ----  --------
                          /   spin-deck:9000 (<none>)
                          /   spin-gate:8084 (<none>)
Annotations:  {"apiVersion":"extensions/v1beta1","kind":"Ingress","metadata":{"annotations":{"":"nginx"},"name":"spinnaker-nginx-ingress","namespace":"spinnaker"},"spec":{"rules":[{"host":"","http":{"paths":[{"backend":{"serviceName":"spin-deck","servicePort":9000},"path":"/"}]}},{"host":"","http":{"paths":[{"backend":{"serviceName":"spin-gate","servicePort":8084},"path":"/"}]}}]}}  nginx
  Type    Reason  Age   From                      Message
  ----    ------  ----  ----                      -------
  Normal  CREATE  28s   nginx-ingress-controller  Ingress spinnaker/spinnaker-nginx-ingress
  Normal  UPDATE  20s   nginx-ingress-controller  Ingress spinnaker/spinnaker-nginx-ingress

Set up DNS so that your two URLs point to the IP address for the ingress (in the above, configure and to point to This can be done via whatever your organization uses for DNS.

Configuring TLS certificates

Configuration of TLS certificates for ingresses is often very organization-specific. In general, you would want to do the following:

  • Add certificate(s) so that your ingress controller can use them

  • Configure the ingress(es) so that NGINX (or your ingress) terminates TLS using the certificate(s)

  • Update Spinnaker to be aware of the new TLS endpoints (note https instead of http)
    hal config security ui edit --override-base-url ${SPIN_DECK_URL}
    hal config security api edit --override-base-url ${SPIN_GATE_URL}
    hal deploy apply

Next steps

Now that you have Spinnaker up and running, here are some of the next things you may want to do: