Installing Spinnaker in Kubernetes


This guide describes the initial installation of Spinnaker in Kubernetes. You can choose between two different installation methods: Spinnaker Operator or Halyard. By the end of this guide, you will have an instance of Spinnaker up and running on your Kubernetes cluster. The document does not fully cover the following:

  • TLS Encryption
  • Authentication/Authorization
  • Add K8s accounts to deploy to
  • Add cloud accounts to deploy to

See Next Steps for information related to these topics.

Note: This document focuses on Armory Spinnaker but can be adapted to install Open Source Spinnaker by using Open Source Operator or a different Halyard container, and a corresponding different Spinnaker version.

Choosing an installation method

There are two recommended ways of installing Spinnaker: using the Spinnaker Operator or using Halyard.

Spinnaker Operator

The Spinnaker Operator is the newest installation and configuration method for Spinnaker. Using the Operator, you can entirely manage Spinnaker using only Kubernetes manifest files. You treat Spinnaker like any other Kubernetes application, running standard tools like kubectl, helm, and kustomize. You can even use a Spinnaker pipeline to roll out configuration changes to itself. The Operator runs a few “hot” validations before accepting a manifest into the cluster, preventing some configuration problems from affecting a running Spinnaker installation.


  • Your Kubernetes API Server is running version 1.13 or later.
  • You have admin rights to install the Custom Resource Definition (CRD) for Operator.
  • You can assign a ClusterRole to Operator. This means that Operator has access to all namespaces in the cluster. Operator can still run in an isolated namespace in Basic mode (not covered in this installation guide), but it will not be able to run admission validations.

General workflow

  • Install Spinnaker Operator CRDs cluster wide.
  • Create a Kubernetes namespace for the Operator.
  • Install the Operator in that namespace, using a ServiceAccount with a ClusterRole to access other namespaces.
  • Create an S3 bucket for Spinnaker to store persistent configuration.
  • Create an IAM user that Spinnaker will use to access the S3 bucket (or alternately, granting access to the bucket via IAM roles).
  • Create a Kubernetes namespace for Spinnaker.
  • Install Spinnaker in that namespace.


Halyard is the former installation method for Spinnaker. It has been around the longest and is the first one supporting new Spinnaker features. Operator uses a customized version of Halyard that is constantly updated to incorporate changes from base Halyard.


  • Your Kubernetes cluster has storage set up so that PersistentVolumeClaims properly allocates PersistentVolumes.

General workflow

  • Create a Kubernetes namespace where we will run both Halyard and Spinnaker
  • In the namespace, grant the default Kubernetes ServiceAccount the cluster-admin ClusterRole. This gives it full permissions within our namespace, but not on other namespaces; for details, see the Kubernetes RBAC documentation)
  • In the namespace, create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC), which you use for persistent Spinnaker cluster configuration (the “halyard configuration” or “halconfig”)
  • In the namespace, create a StatefulSet to run Halyard. The PVC will be mounted to this StatefulSet.
  • Halyard will use the default Kubernetes ServiceAccount to create and modify resources running the cluster (the Kubernetes Secrets, Deployments, and Services that make up Spinnaker).
  • The Spinnaker microservice called “Clouddriver”, which interacts with various clouds including Kubernetes, also uses the default ServiceAccount to interact with Kubernetes.
  • Run Halyard as a Kubernetes Pod in the namespace (using a StatefulSet).
  • Create an S3 bucket for Spinnaker to store persistent configuration.
  • Create an IAM user that Spinnaker will use to access the S3 bucket (or alternately, granting access to the bucket via IAM roles).
  • Run the hal client interactively in the Kubernetes Pod to:
    • Build out the hal config YAML file (.hal/config)
    • Configure Spinnaker with the IAM credentials and bucket information
    • Turn on other recommended settings (artifacts and http artifact provider)
    • Install Spinnaker
    • Expose Spinnaker

Assumptions / Environments

This document assumes the following:

  • Your Kubernetes cluster is up and running with at least 4 CPUs and 12 GB of memory. This is the bare minimum to install and run Spinnaker; depending on our Spinnaker workload, you may need more resources.
  • You have kubectl installed and are able to access and create Kubernetes resources.
  • You have access to an existing object storage bucket or the ability to create an object storage bucket (Amazon S3, Google GCS, Azure Storage, or Minio). For the initial version of this document, only Amazon S3 is used.
  • You have access to an IAM role or user with access to the S3 bucket. If neither of these exists, you need to create an IAM role or user with access to the S3 bucket.
  • Your cluster has either an existing Kubernetes Ingress controller or the permissions to install the NGINX Ingress Controller

These instructions set up the Spinnaker microservice called “Front50”, which stores Spinnaker Application and Pipeline configuration to an object store, with the following permission:

  • Front50 has full access to an S3 bucket through either an IAM user (with an AWS access key and secret access key) or an IAM role (attached to your Kubernetes cluster).

At the end of this guide, you have a Spinnaker deployment that is:

  • Accessible from your browser
  • Able to deploy other Kubernetes resources to the namespace where it runs, but not to any other namespace

Configure application and pipeline configuration storage

The Spinnaker microservice Front50 requires a backing store to store Spinnaker Application and Pipeline definitions. There are a number of options for this:

  • Amazon S3 Bucket
  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Bucket
  • Azure Storage Bucket
  • Minio
  • MySQL

You must set up a backing store for Spinnaker to use for persistent application and pipeline configuration.

Using S3 for Front50

Spinnaker (the Front50 service, specifically) needs access to an S3 bucket. There are a number of ways to achieve this.

This section describes how to do the following:

  • Create an S3 bucket
  • Configure access to the bucket:
    • (Option 1) Add an IAM Policy to an IAM Role, granting access to the S3 bucket
    • (Option 2) Create an IAM User with access to the S3 bucket
Click to expand instructions
Creating an S3 bucket

If you do not have an S3 bucket, create an S3 bucket.

By default, Spinnaker stores all Spinnaker information in a folder called front50 in your bucket. Optionally, you can specify a different directory. You might want to do this if you're using an existing or shared S3 bucket..

Perform the following steps:

  1. Log into the AWS Console (web UI).
  2. Navigate to the S3 Console. Click on Services > Storage > S3.
  3. Click on Create Bucket.
  4. Specify a globally unique name for this bucket in your AWS region of choice. If your organization has a standard naming convention, follow it. For its examples, this guide uses spinnaker-abcxyz.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the following two checkboxes:
    • Keep all versions of an object in the same bucket
    • Automatically encrypt objects when they are stored in S3
  7. Click Next.
  8. Do not add any additional permissions unless required by your organization. Click Next.
  9. Click Create bucket.
(Option 1) S3 using the IAM Policy/Role

First, identify the role attached to your Kubernetes instance and attach an inline IAM policy to it. This grants access to your S3 bucket.

  1. Log into the AWS Console (Web UI).
  2. Navigate to EC2. Click on Services > Compute > EC2.
  3. Click on one of your Kubernetes nodes.
  4. In the bottom section, look for IAM role and click on the role.
  5. Click on Add inline policy.
  6. On the JSON tab, add the following snippet:
  7. {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "s3:*",
          "Resource": [
  8. Click on Review Policy.
  9. Give your inline policy a name, such as s3-spinnaker-abcxyz.
  10. Click Create Policy
(Option 2) S3 using an IAM User

First, create the IAM user and grant it permissions on your bucket:

  1. Log into the AWS Console (Web UI).
  2. Navigate to the IAM Console. Click on Services > Security, Identity, & Compliance > IAM.
  3. Click on Users on the left.
  4. Click on Add user.
  5. Give your user a distinct name based on your organization's naming conventions. This guide uses spinnaker-abcxyz.
  6. Click on Programmatic access.
  7. For this guide, do not add a distinct policy to this user. Click on Next: Tags. You may receive a warning about how there are no policies attached to this user. You can ignore this warning.
  8. Optionally, add tags, then click on Next: Review.
  9. Click Create user.
  10. Save the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. You need this information later during Halyard configuration.
  11. Click Close.

Then, add an inline policy to your IAM user:

  1. Click on our newly-created IAM user.
  2. Click on Add inline policy (on the right).
  3. On the JSON tab, add the following snippet:
  4. {
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "s3:*",
          "Resource": [

    Replace s3-spinnaker-abcxyz with the name of your bucket.

  5. Click on Review Policy
  6. Give your inline policy a name, for example s3-spinnaker-abcxyz.
  7. Click Create Policy

Connect to the Kubernetes cluster

You must be able to connect to the Kubernetes cluster with kubectl. Depending on the type of your Kubernetes cluster, there are a number of ways of achieving this.

Connecting to an AWS EKS cluster

If you use an AWS EKS cluster, you must be able to deploy resources to it. Before you start this section, make sure you have configured the aws CLI with credentials and a default region / availability zone. For more information, see the aws installation directions and configuration directions). Armory recommends using the V2 version of the AWS CLI.

If you have access to the role that created the EKS cluster, update your kubeconfig with access to the Kubernetes cluster using this command:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <EKS_CLUSTER_NAME>

From here, validate access to the cluster with this command:

kubectl get namespaces

The command returns the namespaces in the EKS cluster.

Connecting to other Kubernetes clusters

If you created a Kubernetes on AWS with KOPS or another Kubernetes tool, ensure that you can communicate with the Kubernetes cluster with kubectl:

kubectl get namespaces

The command returns the namespaces in the EKS cluster.

Install Spinnaker using the Operator

Install CRDs and Operator

First, download the CRDs and manifests from the latest stable release.

$ bash -c 'curl -L | tar -xz'

Install Spinnaker CRDs:

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/

Create a namespace for Operator. In this guide you use spinnaker-operator, but the namespace can have any name, provided that you update the namespace name in the role_binding.yaml file.

kubectl create namespace spinnaker-operator

Install Operator manifests:

$ kubectl apply -n spinnaker-operator -f deploy/operator/cluster

After installation, you can verify that Operator is running with the following command:

$ kubectl -n spinnaker-operator get pods

The command returns output similar to the following if the pod for Operator is running:

NAMESPACE                                READY         STATUS       RESTARTS      AGE
spinnaker-operator-7cd659654b-4vktl      2/2           Running      0             6s

Install Spinnaker

First, create the namespace where Spinnaker will be installed. In this guide you use spinnaker, but it can have any name:

kubectl create namespace spinnaker

You define and configure Spinnaker in a YAML file and use kubectl to create the service. Copy the contents below to a configuration file called spinnakerservice.yml. The code creates a Kubernetes ServiceAccount with permissions only to the namespace where Spinnaker is installed. Applying this file creates a base Spinnaker installation with one Kubernetes target account, which enables Spinnaker to deploy to the same namespace where it is installed.

Note the values that you need to modify:

  • Spinnaker version: Use the version of Spinnaker that you want to deploy, which can be found here.
  • S3 bucket: Use the name of the S3 bucket created above.
  • S3 region: Region where the S3 bucket is located.
  • S3 accessKeyId: Optional, set when using IAM user credentials to authenticate to the S3 bucket.
  • S3 secretAccessKey: Optional, set when using IAM user credentials to authenticate to the S3 bucket.
  • metadata name: Change if you’re installing Spinnaker to a namespace other than spinnaker.
kind: Role
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: spin-role
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - services
  - endpoints
  - persistentvolumeclaims
  - events
  - configmaps
  - secrets
  - namespaces
  - '*'
- apiGroups:
  - batch
  - extensions
  - jobs
  - '*'
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - extensions
  - deployments
  - daemonsets
  - replicasets
  - statefulsets
  - '*'
- apiGroups:
  - servicemonitors
  - get
  - create
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - spinnaker-operator
  - deployments/finalizers
  - update
- apiGroups:
  - pods
  - '*'
- apiGroups:
  - apps
  - spinnaker-operator
  - deployments/finalizers
  - update
- apiGroups:
  - '*'
  - spinnakeraccounts
  - '*'
- apiGroups:
  - '*'
  - spinnakerservices
  - '*'
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: spin-sa
kind: RoleBinding
  name: spin-role-binding
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: spin-sa
  kind: Role
  name: spin-role
kind: SpinnakerService
  name: spinnaker
      version: 2.17.1  # Replace with desired version of Spinnaker to deploy
        persistentStoreType: s3
          bucket: spinnaker-abcxyz # Replace with the name of the S3 bucket created previously
          region: us-west-2        # Replace with correct bucket's region
          accessKeyId: XYZ         # (Optional, set only when using an IAM user to authenticate to the bucket instead of an IAM role)
          secretAccessKey: XYZ     # (Optional, set only when using an IAM user to authenticate to the bucket instead of an IAM role)
          rootFolder: front50
        artifacts: true
          - name: spinnaker
            cacheThreads: 1
            cachingPolicies: []
            configureImagePullSecrets: true
            customResources: []
            dockerRegistries: []
            kinds: []
            - spinnaker  # Name of the namespace where Spinnaker is installed
            oAuthScopes: []
            omitKinds: []
            omitNamespaces: []
            onlySpinnakerManaged: false
            permissions: {}
            providerVersion: V2
            requiredGroupMembership: []
            serviceAccount: true
          enabled: true
          primaryAccount: spinnaker
          serviceAccountName: spin-sa

Deploy the manifest with the following command:

kubectl -n spinnaker apply -f spinnakerservice.yml

Install Spinnaker using Halyard

Start the Halyard StatefulSet

Halyard is a Docker image used to install Spinnaker. It generates Kubernetes manifests for each of the Spinnaker services. This guide explains how to run it in a Kubernetes cluster as a StatefulSet with one (1) Pod.

First, create a namespace for Spinnaker to run in (this can be any namespace):

kubectl create ns spinnaker

Create a file called halyard.yml that contains the following:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: spinnaker
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: hal-pvc
    app: halyard
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 100Mi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: halyard
  replicas: 1
  serviceName: halyard
      app: halyard
        app: halyard
        name: halyard
        image: armory/halyard-armory:1.9.3
          name: hal
          mountPath: /home/spinnaker
          name: HOME
          value: "/home/spinnaker"
        runAsUser: 1000
        runAsGroup: 65535
        fsGroup: 65535
        name: hal
          claimName: hal-pvc

This Kubernetes manifest has these three resources in it:

  • A Kubernetes Rolebinding that grants the default ServiecAccount access to the full namespace. This is used by both Halyard and Clouddriver.
  • A PersistentVolumeClaim used for persistent Halyard configuration.
  • A StatefulSet using the PVC which runs the Halyard Pod.

Apply (create) the resources in your namespace:

kubectl -n spinnaker apply -f halyard.yml

Change spinnaker to a different namespace if you’re using a different namespace.

Check the status of the pod and wait until all the pods are running:

kubectl -n spinnaker get pods

If you run into issues, such as the pods getting evicted, see the Kubernetes documentation for troubleshooting tips.

Access the Halyard container

The majority of tasks you need to perform are done from inside the Halyard container. Use the following command to access the container:

kubectl -n spinnaker exec -it halyard-0 bash

Once inside the container, customize the environment with a minimal .bashrc like this:

tee -a /home/spinnaker/.bashrc <<-EOF
export PS1="\h:\w \$ "
alias ll='ls -alh'
cd /home/spinnaker

source /home/spinnaker/.bashrc

Configure Spinnaker to install in Kubernetes

Inside the container, use the Halyard hal command line tool to enable the Kubernetes cloud provider:

hal config provider kubernetes enable

Next, configure a Kubernetes account called spinnaker:

hal config provider kubernetes account add spinnaker \
  --provider-version v2 \
  --only-spinnaker-managed true \
  --service-account true \
  --namespaces spinnaker
  # Update the 'namespaces' field with your namespace if using a different namespace

This command uses the ServiceAccount associated with Halyard and Clouddriver, the default service account in this case.

Once you create an account (with account add), you can edit it by running the command with edit instead of add. Use the same flags.

For example, if you need to support multiple namespaces, you can run the following:

hal config provider kubernetes account edit spinnaker \
  --namespaces spinnaker,dev,stage,prod
  # Make sure to include all namespace you need to support

Important: These commands and parameters limit Spinnaker to deploying to the spinnaker namespace. If you want to deploy to other namespaces, either add a second cloud provider target or grant the default service account in your namespace permissions on additional namespaces and change the --namespaces flag.

Use the Halyard hal command line tool to configure Halyard to install Spinnaker in your Kubernetes cluster

hal config deploy edit \
  --type distributed \
  --account-name spinnaker \
  --location spinnaker
  # Update the 'location' parameter with your namespace, if relevant

Enable and configure the ‘Artifact’ feature

Within Spinnaker, ‘artifacts’ are consumable references to items that live outside of Spinnaker, such as a file in a git repository or a file in an S3 bucket. The Artifacts feature must be explicitly turned on.

The following commands enable the “Artifacts” feature, the new Artifact UI, and the “http” artifact provider:

hal config features edit --artifacts true
hal config features edit --artifacts-rewrite true
hal config artifact http enable

Although enabling the new Artifacts UI is optional, Armory recommends using it for better user experience.

In order to add specific types of artifacts, additional configuration must be completed. For now though, it is sufficient to turn on the artifacts feature with the http artifact provider. This allows Spinnaker to retrieve files using unauthenticated http.

Configure Spinnaker to access S3 with the IAM Role or User

Spinnaker needs information about which bucket to access. Additionally, if you are using an IAM User to access the the bucket, Spinnaker needs credentials for the IAM User.

# Update these snippets with the information for your bucket
export BUCKET_NAME=spinnaker-abcxyz
export REGION=us-west-2

# This will prompt for the secret key
hal config storage s3 edit \
  --bucket ${BUCKET_NAME} \
  --region ${REGION} \

hal config storage edit --type s3

If you are using an IAM User, then provide Spinnaker with the S3 credentials for your IAM User:

# Update this with the AWS Access Key ID

# This will prompt for the secret key
hal config storage s3 edit \
  --access-key-id ${ACCESS_KEY_ID} \

By default, Halyard configures Spinnaker to use the folder front50 in your S3 bucket. You can configure it to use a different folder with this command:

# Replace with the root folder within our bucket to use
hal config storage s3 edit \
  --root-folder ${ROOT_FOLDER}

Set up Gate to listen on the /api/v1 path

The Spinnaker microservice “Gate” serves as the API gateway for Spinnaker. Configure it to listen on a specific path rather than requiring different hosts or ports to differentiate it from the UI of Spinnaker.

Create these two files (you may have to create several directories):

Create the file /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/profiles/gate-local.yml:

    context-path: /api/v1

Create the file /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/service-settings/gate.yml:

healthEndpoint: /api/v1/health

You can copy/paste this snippet to automatically create these two files:

mkdir -p /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/{profiles,service-settings}

tee /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/profiles/gate-local.yml <<-'EOF'
    context-path: /api/v1

tee /home/spinnaker/.hal/default/service-settings/gate.yml <<-'EOF'
healthEndpoint: /api/v1/health

Select the Spinnaker version to install

Before you use Halyard to install Spinnaker, specify the version of Spinnaker you want to use.

You can get a list of available versions of Spinnaker with this command:

hal version list
  • If you are installing Armory Spinnaker using Armory’s Halyard, the command returns a version that starts with 2.x.x

  • If you are installing OSS Spinnaker and using, the command returns a version that starts with 1.x.x

Select the version with the following:

# Replace with version of choice:
export VERSION=$(hal version latest -q)
echo ${VERSION}
hal config version edit --version ${VERSION}

Install Spinnaker

Now that our halconfig is configured, you can install Spinnaker:

hal deploy apply --wait-for-completion

Once this is complete, congratulations! Spinnaker is installed. Keep going to learn how to access Spinnaker.

Connect to Spinnaker using kubectl port-forward

If you have kubectl on a local machine with access to your Kubernetes cluster, you can test the status of your Spinnaker instance by doing a port-forward.

First, tell Spinnaker about its local endpoint for localhost:8084/api/v1:

hal config security api edit --override-base-url http://localhost:8084/api/v1

hal deploy apply --wait-for-completion

Wait for the pods get in a running state. Then, set up two port forwards, one for Gate (the API gateway) and one for Deck (the Spinnaker UI):

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} port-forward svc/spin-deck 9000 &
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} port-forward svc/spin-gate 8084 &

Then, you can access Spinnaker at http://localhost:9000.

If you are doing this on a remote machine, this does not work because your browser attempts to access localhost on your local workstation rather than on the remote machine where the port is forwarded.

Note: Even if the hal deploy apply command returns successfully, the installation may not be complete yet. This is especially the case with distributed Kubernetes installs. If you see errors such as Connection refused, the containers may not be available yet. Either wait or check the status of all of the containers using the command for our cloud provider (such as kubectl get pods --namespace spinnaker).


There several ways to expose Spinnaker, but there are a some basic requirements.

Given a domain name (or IP address) (such as or, you should be able to:

  • Reach the spin-deck service at the root of the domain ( or
  • Reach the spin-gate service at the root of the domain ( or

You can use either http or https, as long as you use the same for both. Additionally, you have to configure Spinnaker to be aware of its endpoints.

The Install the NGINX ingress controller section details how to do that with the NGINX ingress controller.

Install the NGINX ingress controller

In order to expose Spinnaker to end users, perform the following actions:

  • Expose the spin-deck (UI) Kubernetes service on a URL endpoint
  • Expose the spin-gate (API) Kubernetes service on a URL endpoint
  • Update Spinnaker to be aware of the new endpoints

If you already have an ingress controller, use that ingress controller instead. You can check for the existence of the NGINX Ingress Controller by running kubectl get ns and looking for a namespace called ingress-nginx. If the namespace exists, you likely already have an NGINX Ingress Controller running in your cluster.

The following instructions walk you through how to install the NGINX ingress controller on AWS. This uses the Layer 4 ELB, as indicated in the NGINX ingress controller documentation. You can use other NGINX ingress controller configurations, such as the Layer 7 load balancer, based on your organization’s ingress policy.)

(Both of these are configurable with Spinnaker, but the NGINX ingress controller is also generally much more configurable.)

From the workstation machine where kubectl is installed, install the NGINX ingress controller components:

kubectl apply -f

Then, install the NGINX ingress controller AWS-specific service:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Set up an Ingress for spin-deck and spin-gate

Get the external IP for the NGINX ingress controller:

kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx

The command returns a DNS name or IP address in the EXTERNAL-IP field.

If you stood up a new NGINX ingress controller, you can likely use this value (IP address or DNS name) for your ingress.

For example, if the command returns, then you can use for the SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT in the following steps. If the command returns, then use for the SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT.

If you use an existing NGINX ingress controller or other services are likely to be using the same NGINX ingress controller, create a DNS entry that points at the NGINX ingress controller endpoint you are using for Spinnaker. You can create either a CNAME Record that points at the DNS name or an A Record that points at the IP address.

For the example DNS name, do the following:

  • Create a CNAME pointing at
  • Put in the host field in the below manifest and uncomment it
  • Use for the SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT in the below steps
  • (Alternately, for testing, create an /etc/hosts entry pointing at the IP address that resolves to)

For the IP address example, do the following:

  • Create an A Record pointing to at
  • Put in the host field in the below manifest and uncomment it
  • Use for my SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT in the below steps
  • (Alternately, for testing, create an /etc/hosts entry pointing at

Create a Kubernetes Ingress manifest to expose spin-deck and spin-gate.

Create a file called spin-ingress.yml with the following content. If you are on Kubernetes 1.14 or above, you should replace extensions/v1beta1 with

(Make sure the hosts and namespace match your actual host and namespace.)

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
# apiVersion:
kind: Ingress
  name: spin-ingress
    app: spin
    cluster: spin-ingress
  annotations: "nginx"
    # host:
    # ^ If we have other things running in our cluster, we should uncomment this line and specify a valid DNS name
      - backend:
          serviceName: spin-deck
          servicePort: 9000
        path: /
      - backend:
          serviceName: spin-gate
          servicePort: 8084
        path: /api/v1

Apply the ingress file you just created:

kubectl -n spinnaker apply -f spin-ingress.yml

Configure Spinnaker to be aware of its endpoints

Spinnaker must be aware of its endpoints to work properly. Configuration updates vary depending upon whether you installed Spinnaker using Operator or Halyard.


Update spinnakerservice.yml adding the security section:

          overrideBaseUrl:  # Replace this with the IP address or DNS that points to our nginx ingress instance
          overrideBaseUrl:         # Replace this with the IP address or DNS that points to our nginx ingress instance

Apply the changes:

kubectl -n spinnaker apply -f spinnakerservice.yml


Run this command to get into the Halyard container:

kubectl -n spinnaker exec -it halyard-0 bash

Then, run the following command from inside the container:

# ^ Replace this with the IP address or DNS that points to our nginx ingress instance

hal config security ui edit --override-base-url ${SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT}
hal config security api edit --override-base-url ${SPINNAKER_ENDPOINT}/api/v1

hal deploy apply

Configuring TLS certificates

Configuring TLS certificates for ingresses is often very environment-specific. In general, you want to do the following:

  • Add certificate(s) so that our ingress controller can use them
  • Configure the ingress(es) so that NGINX (or the load balancer in front of NGINX, or your alternative ingress controller) terminates TLS using the certificate(s)
  • Update Spinnaker to be aware of the new TLS endpoints, by replacing http by https to override the base URLs in the previous section.

Next steps

Now that Spinnaker is running, here are potential next steps: