Upgrade Spinnaker using Halyard

Determining the target version

First, determine which version of Armory Spinnaker you want to use. You can get this list by running hal version list.

The command returns information similar to the following:

+ Get current deployment
+ Get Spinnaker version
+ Get released versions
+ You are on version "1.14.209", and the following are available:
 - 1.14.209 (OSS Spinnaker v1.8.6):
   Changelog: https://docs.armory.io/release-notes/armoryspinnaker_v1.14.209/
   Published: Thu Sep 13 18:42:49 EDT 2018
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.0.0)
 - 2.0.0 (OSS Release 1.9.5):
   Changelog: https://docs.armory.io/release-notes/armoryspinnaker_v2.0.0/
   Published: Fri Nov 02 19:42:47 EDT 2018
   (Requires Halyard >= 1.2.0)

Performing an upgrade

Once you know what version you want to upgrade (or downgrade) to, run the following command: hal config version edit --version <target_version>.

The command returns information similar to the following:

+ Get current deployment
+ Edit Spinnaker version
+ Spinnaker has been configured to update/install version
  "2.19.6". Deploy this version of Spinnaker with `hal deploy apply`.

Then, apply your upgrade with hal deploy apply.

Rolling back an upgrade

Rolling an upgrade back is similar to upgrading Spinnaker:

  1. Select the version you want to rollback to:
    hal config edit --version <target_version>
  2. Apply the rollback:
    hal deploy apply